Lunch & Nutrition
Belmead School is extremely fortunate to have generous partners in the community to fund our School Breakfast Program.
Belmead School’s snack is funded by the E4C Organization.
Without the generosity of this organization we would not be able to offer this valuable program to our students.
Apple Schools
Belmead School is a proud participant in Alberta Project Promoting active Living and healthy Eating (APPLE) schools. APPLE Schools aim to make the healthy choice the easy choice by changing the school environment. The easy choice for students is healthy lunches and snacks and an active lifestyle. We aim to create and sustain supportive physical and social environments that foster lifelong health and learning.
Home, school, and community work together to improve a child’s health. We involve parents, students, staff, and community stakeholders to impact students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours. We continue to look for ways to get our students active and healthy for life!
Belmead School Nutrition Policy
Parents, please take the time to read over our Nutrition Policy. The policy has been slowly implemented over the last four years At Belmead we are going to be as healthy as we can be!
You can do a lot as parents to support the health initiative as well:
- If sending food for classroom celebrations or birthdays, please only send healthy treats from the “Choose Most Often” category.
- Send healthy choices at lunch time and for snacks
- Promote healthy eating at home, by including vegetables and/or fruits at every meal
Lunch Program
We welcome all our students to have choice in their lunchtime experiences. Families can either choose to go home for lunch and make arrangements with the school or stay at school using our lunch-time supervision service.
All students who stay for lunch will need to:
- Register for lunch supervision using the form on SchoolZone.
- Pay lunch fees for supervision.
- Schools will set lunch fees using a standard formula
Lunch-time supervision is a service many families need. Lunch Supervision Fees are consistent across all Edmonton Public Schools, so no matter which school your children attend, processes will be the same.
The Lunchroom supervision program begins on the very first day, so parents are able to plan accordingly that your child(ren) are able to bring their lunch and remain at the school. We do ask that parents login to their parental SchoolZone accounts, go to "Forms"," Additional Forms", find the "Lunch-time Supervision Service Registration Form", press "Submit Response" and then fill out the information.
If your family is having financial difficulties, please reach out to us by email at: belmead@epsb.ca
Lunchroom fees cover the cost of lunchroom aides who supervise all students over the lunch hour period. Lunchroom Fees are paid by logging into your Parental SchoolZone account and selecting the "Fees" tab.
All students who go home for lunch: In an effort to ensure the safety of all of our students, we are asking the following. When students are going home for lunch, they are to leave the school through the front door and return from lunch through the front door as well. If a student goes home for lunch, they are expected to be gone from school for the entire lunch hour (e.g., lunch hour begins at 11:45 and students return to school at 12:25). Attendance is taken at the beginning of each lunch hour to ensure student safety and clear communication. If your child returns early on a consistent basis, please communicate with the school office at 780-481-3314.
Allergy Awareness
Many children at Belmead have severe and life-threatening allergies. To accommodate the medical needs of children with severe allergies at MAK School, we promote allergy awareness and are NUT AWARE. The safety of all children is our first priority. All snacks and lunches are strongly encouraged to be nut-free.
Healthy snacks and lunch
To encourage healthy nutrition, please avoid packing candy, chips, gum and sunflower seeds (these can make a mess in the school).
Lunch program expectations
Please provide your child with:
- lunches that do not require microwaving or hot water
- lunch bags that are labelled with your child’s name and classroom number
- reusable containers or bags to help support our commitment of reducing garbage and waste
- utensils
- a plastic bag or containers for leftovers so you can see what your child is or isn’t eating
Students are expected to:
- eat quietly at desks or tables
- remain seated and not leave the designated lunch area without permission
- be respectful of each other and supervisors at all times (student behavior expectations for the lunch program are the same as classroom expectations
- use indoor voices
Lunch Supervision Fees
Full-time lunch attendance is paid each month.
Occasional lunch attendance is $2 per student per day. (Students will be sent home invoices during the year for days stayed.)